Embracing The Freedom and Power of the Terrible

Fear and Freedom print media centr

A lot of people have a lot of opinions on fear. Some say it is a great motivator. Others will say that you should never let it guide you. There is no denying, though – most of us do experience fear of SOMETHING at SOME point in our lives. Being afraid, or worried, about something […]

What an Arcade Game Can Teach Us About Printing Sales

Remember Pole Position, the popular video arcade game of the 1980s? I loved it. Amazingly, the things I learned while playing helped me in the print sales world. Pole Position is a classic auto racing game. You have to be able to predict and control the timing and placement of other cars on the track. […]

Shaking Up The Status Quo: Are Your Services Standing Out?

Are Your Services Standing Out_ Print Media Centr

In the world of artificial sweeteners, I am team Pink. I have always been team Pink. I know Pink. I know what taste I can expect when I tear Pink open and pour it into my coffee. I know how much Pink I need to get the result I desire. I know that I can […]

2017 Survey Says: Print Buyers Need Time and Have Money

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Greetings Citizens of the Printerverse! This post is about results from my 2017 Print Buyer Survey. The survey background info can be found here. If you haven’t read it please do that first, it will be helpful. Additional results can be found in this post: 2017 Print Buyer Survey Says: When it Comes to Driving Print Sales, Stay in […]

9 Superbly Simple Ways Printers Can Increase Email Newsletter Subscribers


When marketing with email newsletters, printers can get hung up on not having a big list of subscribers. My advice is to keep it simple. Make your email sign up superbly simple that it becomes a natural part of your normal marketing and promotion routine. Your list of email addresses is one of the most precious […]

How Snapchat Could Help Your Print Sales And More


Lately, many business owners have asked me about Snapchat. Snapchat is a mobile app that is geared to people under age 35, but mostly to teens. It uses storytelling, visuals, sequential imagery, group conversations and other elements that are common to the platforms we know. What’s different about Snapchat is that the posts are temporary. […]

Order Up! 3 Ways to Serve Fresh Digital Print to Local Restaurants

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I recently spent some time with HP at Interpack 17 in Germany (watch the videos!). As usual they had a plethora of products and services that are wowing the packaging industry and pushing the packaging envelope way beyond the corrugated box. It’s really cool to get a glimpse of where the “package” is heading, and the huge […]

Dear Best Client, Ever: An Open Letter to Inspire Your Greatness


In my illustrious 7- year career as a consultant/coach/headhunter/social media ambassador/advisor to the C Suite/Chief Bottle Washer and Overall Team Player, I have been fortunate to work with many awesome graphic arts companies from sea to shining sea. I have met with all different kinds of companies, all kinds of managers, CEOs, and sales people. […]

How to Build a Winning Sales Process Around Customer Data

Every year I hold a deep data dive with my clients, and we focus on their ideal customers. We want to see who or what sends us our best customers and which factors influenced the sale. Once we know that, we can build a sales process so we can successfully close a higher percentage of […]

Let’s Talk About Ted Talks

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Unless you have been living under a great big boulder for the last several years, you have probably heard of Ted Talks. If you are unfamiliar and you are not insulted by my boulder comment and you are still open to learning something, allow me to shed some light on the subject. TED is a nonprofit […]

Canon Solutions America Production Printing Print Media Centr