3 Proactive Plans for Productive Planner Prospecting

how to successfully work with meeting and event planners and win new business

Sometime during 2018 a woman walked up to me in the airport and struck up a light conversation about how often she sees me, and we compared our travel schedules while waiting for our pick-ups to arrive. I easily lost in who travels more, but I certainly consider myself a winner since our conversation turned […]

Shopping in the Time of Corona: How Print and Tech Give Retail a Lifeline

Karis Copp Tech Print and Retail 01

Most of us are living very different lives than we were a few months ago. Even though the priorities in the grand scheme of things are stopping the spread of the virus, keeping people safe, and caring for those who are sick, it’s OK to miss the little things. Some of mine are: strolling around […]

The Magic of Composition in Your Workflow!


The promise for this next series was to go back to basics, so this edition is all about the magical role of the creative development tools in your workflow. It is an important topic. If the file that will pass through the workflow is not developed so that it can print reliably, everyone in the […]

Getting Physical With The Digital Ether Takeover


According to recent reports, Apple’s investors are urging the iPhone maker to help reduce smartphone addiction among children. While I don’t doubt smartphone addiction may be a thing at the moment, my own usage habits lead me to think this issue will be short-lived. When I’m at home, my smartphone stays on my desk. I […]

Alexa is a Workflow Wizard and Wisdom From IPEX

alexa - workflow - print media centr

A while back I wrote a blog on how it wasn’t yet possible to walk up to an Echo Dot or Alexa tower and ask where your print job was. In the blink of an wizard’s eye the RSA folks showed their demo of Alexa reading information passed to her in a news brief format, […]

How Many Printers Does It Take to Print a Light Bulb?

Discover Opportunity Print Media Centr

Q: How many Printers does it take to print a light bulb? A: You don’t know, you don’t print light bulbs… right? Because anyone can print a light bulb. You don’t want to be in the light bulb business. If you are, then you compete with everyone – including online discount light bulb printing factories. […]

The Day the Workflow Stood Still

Day workflow stood still-print media centr

The print hardware often gets the blame when there is a shop slowdown. Misfeeds, wrong stock loaded, paper transport issues, and even finishing equipment glitches can pose some challenges. But when the workflow has a problem the challenges can be greater because sometimes no one notices until nothing is flowing. You never want your workflow […]

Alexa! Where’s My Print Job?


When you think about workflow (and I know you do!), how much do you think about automation? The two should go hand-in-hand. But what is a reasonable amount of automation? Should you be waiting until there are Alexa and Echo devices throughout your shop so that you can ask them the status of jobs? Despite […]

How Snapchat Could Help Your Print Sales And More


Lately, many business owners have asked me about Snapchat. Snapchat is a mobile app that is geared to people under age 35, but mostly to teens. It uses storytelling, visuals, sequential imagery, group conversations and other elements that are common to the platforms we know. What’s different about Snapchat is that the posts are temporary. […]

Casting A Spell on Workflow Automation

Casting A Spell on Workflow_preview print media centr

Over the past couple of months I’ve been to more than a few conferences and vendor events where workflow and workflow automation have been on the agenda. Everyone has a spin on what workflow automation means, but when I listen to their press conferences and look at their offerings, finding end-to-end automation is harder than […]

Canon Production Printing Print Media Centr