Inspiration Starts With a Blank Page

A few weeks ago, I came across a post on LinkedIn describing an exercise with a blank sheet of paper geared toward revealing possibilities and helping a person step outside the limitations of schedules, journals, and records of a “previous self.”

The author, Lynn Hidy of UpYourTeleSales, suggested that writing, drawing, scribbling, listing, narrating, or whatever else we do on a clean sheet of paper can help clarify our options as the “deciders” along our own paths.

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I suppose this is paper as the psilocybin to the self-narratives and self-models of my project management and calendar software. In this case, I gave into curiosity and decided to experiment with the blank sheet.

What happened?

I saw a tree. And the tree was me. But also you. And no one in particular. The end. But also the beginning.

OK, it didn’t quite go down like that.

When I released myself to the paper, I sketched out a web of tasks linked to the results and events they would produce and encourage. I noted which tasks were dependent upon others. I basically wrote and drew what I would type into Asana later that day.

I know what you’re thinking: “he should have taken the psilocybin instead.”

While I did not distance myself from my responsibilities and processes while scribbling, I was reminded of the pleasure of scribbling itself. The boring web of work and wants I wove seemed pretty, infused with personal graphic flair my dashboards lack.

In that instance, I wasn’t quite the standard bearer for the power of creative expression on paper, but my experience was sailing towards that shore.

The second time I gave myself to a blank sheet, I sketched a character I had created when I was a kid and had not drawn in years. Maybe next time I really will see that tree who is me. Which would be frightening. Probably.

It made sense to me that I would discover pleasure in the exercise. After all, I had previously learned to luxuriate in printed books after living by digital alone for a time.

The clean sheet, and my recent experience using a paper notebook while taking a course at the Haitian Embassy, has me thinking about ways to reintroduce writing on paper into my professional life. Before I started taking handwritten notes on my tablet, I used to fill stacks of notebooks across my home office and jobs. While writing to screens has been my approach for several years, I seem to be trending towards using a hybrid approach to notetaking where subjects and circumstances will determine my medium.

And now, before I release you back into the Printerverse, I will commune with the clean sheet again. Possibilities. Clarity. Wait, there is a message for you: it asks you to honor me with paper samples and complimentary notebooks when you see me at Print 17 next month.

The clean sheet knows.

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Andy Solages connects people and organizations with technologies to improve professional experiences and business results. Andy is a monthly contributor to Print Media Centr’s News from The Printerverse and a regular participant in #PrintChat on Twitter.

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