What Comes After The Election? The Holidays!

Hi! I’m Chloe! If the numbers are accurate, half of you are happy with the election results at the national level and half of you are less than delighted. I get it. But, perk up!

While the big print jobs of the election season are behind us, the holidays are around the corner! If you haven’t already been booking those jobs, here are some things to think about…

holiday - print _ print-media-centr

Start with the obvious! What did you print for your customers last year? How much was repeat work? How much was first time? Not sure? Take a look at the books and get some accurate data. It will take a bit of time, but it’s worth having it in hand as you strategize. How much of what you did last year is repeatable? Upsell-able? Don’t be shy! Think about what you have to offer and get out there! It’s not too late!

Who do you do work for sporadically? They know your work, so what can you pitch?

Who have you lost over the years? It happens, but it doesn’t have to be permanent!

What could you offer them as part of a Holiday Special?

I suppose the next question involves what you try to sell! While some of that depends on your equipment, your finishing, and your order-taking/job-onboarding setup, the truth is that in today’s market you can sell anything. To fulfill you just need the right set of partners.

I know, partners bring risks and frustrations at times, but take a look at companies that specialize in partnering to add options to your print offerings. Companies like Gelato have great greeting card options. Companies like ZenPrint, Gooten, and Cimpress OPEN offer dozens of options for print products that you white label into your own product catalog. Take a look, figure out their wholesale pricing and see what makes sense for you.

No matter what your current offerings are, look beyond them! Use the holidays to build some new relationships and extend your business. It’s only a month and a half to Christmas and Hannukkah!

Remember you can always ask questions!

Until next time… Watch this space for more from the life of a Print Diva.

See more posts from Chloe

ChloeChloe Mahendra-Fuji practices the fine arts of design critique, content creation and editing, and communication consulting. She has decades of experience working in online content delivery, print delivery, and content development. 

Connect with Chloe: @ChloePrintDiva / ChloePrintDiva@gmail.com



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