Are You Planning For AppForum13? PODi Provides Some Great Reasons To Check It Out

Last year I attended PODi’s AppForum for the first time. What I found would best be described as a community that worked together to provide education, share experiences as well case studies, all for the greater good of the digital print industry. It’s not often that you attend sessions at Trade Shows where “competing” vendors […]

Print Producers: Make The Best Of Your 525,600 Minutes In 2013

Assuming the Mayans were wrong, in a few short weeks we change the calendars and start a fresh new year with a rejuvenated and hopeful outlook for things to come. Here are a few things Im anticipating, examining, and planning to immerse myself in during the next 365 days. Technology is moving so fast and […]

PrintMediaCentr Zones Out At Graphics Of The Americas 2013

NEW! In its inaugural year, PrintMediaCentr (PMC) brings its action-packed, fun-filled networking zone live to the GOA show floor February 21-23, 2013! Co-located with the popular GOA Expo Theater in Booth 371, PMC is the place for an interactive experience like none other. Here, attendees can see, firsthand, the use of print-based marketing technology – […]

PrintMediaCentr Partners With FESPA For The 2013 Global Summit In London

Experience This Five Star Event in Five Star LUXURY! I am so excited to be working with FESPA again, especially since I am able to turn that partnership into exclusive offers for our community!! Register as a NON-MEMBER Printer and enter code PMC2013 when prompted to receive 10% off registration. One person who registers with this code will WIN 2-night’s accommodation at […]

1/1 Interview with Rock LaManna, Executive Coach for the Printing Industry

I am fortunate to attend several industry events each year and even more so when I am able to participate in them. Such was the case this year at SGIA EXPO in Las Vegas where I presented a session titled “Understanding Todays Print Buyer.”  Speaking at events is awesome not only because you get to […]

Who needs a mentor?

Of all the amazing things that went on in The Printerversetm at GRAPH EXPO this year – The GRAPHitti Wall, Girls Who Print Day, playing Rock Em Sock Em Robots with Benny Landa –  the panel discussion I put together titled “Wooing Women to Print: Mentors and Mavens” stood out as something very special.  It was just one of […]

A Unique E-Book Concept Merges Dead Tree Pulp With The Web

More printed electronics! And genius concept! Thanks to Jill at @MillcraftPaper for sharing this in my LinkedIn Group! WALDEK WĘGRZYN’S INNOVATIVE TAKE ON THE ELECTRONIC BOOK TURNS THE BOOK ITSELF INTO A NEW DIGITAL INTERFACE, WITHOUT ELIMINATING THE JOYS OF INK ON PAPER. The very name of the Kindle Paperwhite, the latest version of Amazon’s […]

New Paper Unveiled Made From Olives

  Leave it to the Italians to work olives and other food into paper!  The Favini site is really cool too, oh but it’s in Italian. So unless you can understand that, or have retained enough Spanish to recognize some of the words, just look at the pictures and imagine the smells of slow cooking […]


LANDA RELEASES “THE NANOGRAPHIC PRINTING™ PROCESS” WHITE PAPER                             Informative paper focuses on the breakthrough Landa technology that has the potential to transform mainstream commercial printing, packaging and publishing markets Israel, Rehovot, 31 October 2012 – Landa today announces the publication of […]

Landa: Nano Promises Printing Revolution

So here it is… if you, like many, take the word of Mr. Landa to be the last word on all things print, we can finally put the debate to rest… PRINT, is not DEAD. Well, not all of print. We will have some casualties but this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. In any […]