GRAPH EXPO 2012: We Came, We Shared, We Conquered!

Greetings Citizens and Intergalactic Ambassadors of The PrinterverseTM… For four days in Chicago, in a 4500+ sq foot space tucked deep in the back of the GRAPH EXPO Exhibit Hall, an ideal came to life and took the form of a community comprised of like minded individuals dedicated to the greater good of the whole. […]


For More Information                       Contact: Debbie Vieder                    Phone: 703/264-7200E-mail: dvieder@gasc.orgTwitter: #GraphExpo NEW INPLANT PLACE DEBUTS ON THE GRAPH EXPO 2012 SHOW FLOOR Multi-faceted Networking and Education Hub Open to All In-Plant Professionals      Reston, VA-In-plant professionals from education, corporate, […]

Cross Media Show 2012: The After-Buzz by Matthew Parker

CrossMedia:  Why there was a buzz around this show (and why I was buzzing too) by Matthew Parker Launching a new show is always a big gamble.  But Cross Media appears to have put in a successful first show.  I spent two days at the show, presenting, networking and learning.  And it was certainly a […]

The Top 10 Reasons Why In-Plants & Print Centers Should Attend GRAPH EXPO

Why In-Plants and Print Centers (Corporate, Education and Government) Should Attend GRAPH EXPO  By Elisha Kasinskas, Marketing Director, Rochester Software Associates, Inc  GRAPH EXPO has reached out to in-plants and corporate, education and government print centers to find out what they want to see and hear at this year’s show.  In a truly collaborative effort, […]

Well Organized and Insightful, Print Tech China 2012 Summit a Success

Noppen is a leading international company facilitating business across Asia and Europe.  Driven by the desire for excellence and supported by a supreme understanding of the Asian market, Noppen has been delivering exceptional events, assisting new market entries and establishing government relations since 1998. Our top-level business connections paired with our close relations to the […]

The potential in printing electronics: Video from TED2013

This is REALLY COOL… and a great story of perseverance and ingenuity!  Kate Stone: The potential in printing electronics Kate Stone is the Founder and Managing Director of Novalia, a company that specializes in interactive printing. Her work combines physical prints with digital electronics. via Watch “Kate Stone: The potential in printing electronics” Video at […]

Are Paperless Bills and Statements Really Better for the Environment?

This week, Two Sides will launch a nationwide educational initiative to engage and encourage major U.S. corporations to adopt best practices for environmental marketing and end the use of misleading claims about the sustainability of print and paper.  You can read the press release here.  For more facts on the sustainability of print and paper, […]

Direct Marketing Gets Eco-Friendly

In the wake of Toshiba’s failed attempt for a National No-Print Day, I am going to be more proactive and help get Print & Paper’s greener messages out there for you to share as you wish… and please, do share them. We live in a bubble of our own industry and the perception of the […]

Calling all Print-Archists: Take a REAL STAND Against Toshiba’s No-Print Day!

 UPDATE: PLEASE NOTE AS OF 6/20/2012 TOSHIBA HAS PULLED THIS CAMPAIGN – PARTLY BECAUSE OF POSTS LIKE THIS AND READERS LIKE YOU! Feel free to read it of course and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF PAPER & PRINT! Toshiba’s self declared “National No-Print Day” is a marketing scam. It’s an environmental bait and switch […]

Tesco’s Insulting Italian Error

This is awesome…lol And probably a top ten reason NOT to take a picture and then use that picture as art for packaging (or anything printed) – especially if it’s in a language you don’t speak! I believe the Brits have starred out the word “bollocks” which when flipped to American is equivalent to the […]

Penguin Books and Zappar Bring Augmented Reality to Print

Dear Mobile Industry, As a member of the Print Industry I would like you to consider the following before declaring some sort of victory in the form of an editorial end-zone dance when the game has only just begun. First of all, Print isn’t attempting to compete with you, or technology. We are part of […]