Infographic: E-Books in America

I rarely consider myself a traditionalist, but when it comes to books I do prefer mine the old fashion way, or so I thought. Im not questioning the ink on paper part, Im questioning my thought that my preference is old fashioned – aka out of date, not cool etc.  Have I been e-brainwashed to […]

2011 Women in Graphic Communication Research Study Results are IN!

Back in November of 2011 I received a request to help Dr. Twyla J. Cummings, Associate Dean and Professor, College of Imaging Arts and Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology round up some participation in this study aimed at determining how women are positioned in our industry today. Since you need the study info to understand the context of […]

The Road to drupa 2012 and More from Pat McGrew M-EDP, CMP – Part 10

The Shopping edition! Pat says… “It isn’t all presses and finishing. There is a lot of software, a t-shirt or too, and a really cool color tool!” Ive actually played around with one of these before and Pat is right, it comes in very handy! Also love the drupa APP – thanks for sharing that […]

Behind the scenes of Landa S10 nanographic printing press

This is one of the best videos Ive seen so far explaining in detail (that I can understand since Im not a printer) what this Nano thing is, and can do. Cheers to PrintMonthlyTV – and check out the rest of their videos from drupa too! Gerry Mulvaney speaks to Padraig McGarrigle about the Landa […]

The Road to drupa 2012 and More from Pat McGrew M-EDP, CMP – Part 9

Pat titled this video “It takes a village to create a variable data campaign” and provided this description… “Here is the story of a print sample that took two printing technologies, one agency, a fabulous printer, and a lot of support to execute on the vision of a true variable data campaign for drupa.” And […]

The Road to drupa 2012 and More from Pat McGrew M-EDP, CMP – Part 8

This is an EXCELLENT example of personalization through segmented publishing that has revenue generation built into it. In this case, instead of selling one ad to HP to showcase one product to everyone, the publisher broke out the paper into three targeted editions making it possible to sell HP three spaces, showcasing three products, to […]

The Road to drupa 2012 and More from Pat McGrew M-EDP, CMP – Part 5

Live from drupa 2012!  by Pat McGrew The first couple of days at drupa 2012 have been exhilarating! The weather has been gentle, spots of rain and clouds but generally more than enough time to get outside of the halls for a quick whiff of fresh air and a bit of quiet. If you have […]