Misconception 3: Print Is Bad For The Environment

Here we have reached our last, perhaps most concentrated, misconception that print is bad for the environment? If you use toilet paper, paper towels, or buy packaged goods in the store (thinking cereal or anything else packaged in paper), then you are actually buying reminisces of recycled paper products. There is a lot of distorted […]

The Magic of Print (and the Selling Power of a Good Story)

Magic of Print and the Selling Power of a Good Story by Sandy Hubbard

Did you know that college recruiters combine print with persuasive stories to mesmerize prospective students? I volunteer in the college center at the local high school. At this time of year, college recruiters and admissions officers visit the center. They meet with groups of students and do their best to be memorable. Print is their […]

[VIDEO] Meet the Movers and Shakers From the Inaugural thINK Conference in NYC

The first thINK Conference – appropriately called thINK First, was held in NYC Sept 8-10, 2015 in the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC. thINK is a “collaborative, independent community of peers, solutions partners and print industry experts that represent the fast-growing $3.5B inkjet market.” Oh, and they are Canon Solutions America customers as well. There is […]

[VIDEO] Post-Press Success: Winning With Finishing

This Graph Expo panel focuses on the wonderful world of finishing, and the ROI it can bring. Panelists: http://mollbrothers.com • http://hp.com/go/indigo.com • http://thefoilexperts.com • http://scodix.com – Hosted by Deborah Corn **Fastbind USA apologizes for missing this panel, but since they were busy signing contracts with new customers, they hope you understand! See how PUR/EVA and […]

[VIDEO] Print Smart: Evaluating Tools for Saving Time and Money

This Graph Expo panel focuses on tips, best practices for printers to assess their workflows and processes in order to find the right solutions for their business. Panelists from: http://arifiq.com • http://www.avantisystems.com • http://www.chili-publish.com • http://pitneybowes.com • http://www.solimarsystems.com • http://xerox.com/production – Hosted by Deborah Corn

[VIDEO] Digital Schmigital: Marketing Print to Millennials

This Graph Expo panel focuses on “The New Print Customers” – what they know, what they don’t, and how to keep them excited about print in an electronic world. Panelists from: http://dreamingincmyk.com • http://hp.com/go/indigo • http://www.chili-publish.com • http://hp.com/go/pagewidewebpress – Hosted by Deborah Corn

[VIDEO] Behind the Social Curtain: Introducing the Wizards of WOW

This Graph Expo panel discusses what it takes to develop and maintain a successful social media presence for your business, and how to measure results. We had some issues with sound, so I trimmed this video to where it was fixed. Panelists:  http://www.avantisystems.com • Marifer Rodriguez http://pitneybowes.com • Bill Michael http://xerox.com/production – Vanecia Carr http://domtar.com – Hosted by […]

[VIDEO] An ROI River Runs Through It: Mapping Your Multi-Channel Marketing Streams

This Graph Expo panel focuses on helping printers market themselves through print + additional channels by sharing experience and results. Panelists from: http://arifiq.com • http://www.avantisystems.com • http://piworld.com • http://profitableprintreelationships.com • http://xerox.com/production – Hosted by Deborah Corn

[VIDEO] Reinventing World Class: A Conversation with Pitney Bowes

What does world class look like? Whether you’re a family-owned small business, a growing global enterprise, or somewhere in between, learn what it takes to make it to—and stay at—the top. This Graph Expo session, presented by Pitney Bowes (http://pitneybowes.com) will help you and your business harness technology, innovation and the convergence of physical and […]

[VIDEO] Incoming! Print Techs and Trends You Cannot Ignore

This Graph Expo panel focuses on just launched/upcoming technology, and provides thought leadership as far as where the industry is heading. Panelists from: http://www.adphosna.com • http://arifiq.com • http://www.chili-publish.com • http://fastbindusa.com • http://scodix.com • http://mutoh.com – Hosted by Deborah Corn

[VIDEO] 2015 Girls Who Print Day “Girlie Award” and Mentor Panel

This yearly award presentation and panel is on everyone’s must see list! Our 2015 panel features: Mary Beth Smith, Founder of Girls Who Print; Pat McGrew, M-EDP, CMP, InkJet Evangelist at HP – and the 2014 Girlie Award Recipient!; Cary Sherburne, Senior Editor, What They Think, Dr. Twyla Cummings, Senior Associate Dean at Rochester Institute […]