How You Know When The Customer Experience Works . . . Hint: It Is Not Just One Point In Time

by Chris Echevarria

As we look to close out yet another year and I reflect on the job that I do for the company, I know there have been high points and low points, things that have worked well for our Customer Experience and those ever-present opportunities for improvement aka OFIs.

I always welcome the OFIs because it makes me stretch as a person and in turn, I look to engage at a deeper level with those colleagues who help me make the Customer Experience a success. I have found that the more I communicate and ask for my colleagues’ input, the stronger our relationships become as well as the trust we build. It’s about doing the right thing with the Customer always the focus, whether it’s answering the phone with a smile, helping solve the issue at hand, or extending a warm welcome as customers walk in the door.


I relish the opportunities when I am able to make a seemingly regular meeting into one that is a memorable experience, one that the participants will remember long after they’ve left the building. This happened a few weeks ago when I found out we would be hosting a group of operators in a training that would be in the actual showroom (the only place in the building where we have this particular device) rather than in the standard training area. We had the group start in our VIP conference room where coffee and morning pastries were waiting. After the usual welcome and introductions, the classroom material began, followed by hands-on engagement on the equipment in the other room.

While companies spend a lot of money and effort wooing the top brass of companies (the check writers) that come to visit, it’s not usual that the folks at the operator level get any special treatment or considerations. So what does a cup of coffee, bottle of water and morning sweet bread for the operator group buy you? It buys a memorable experience that speaks to the professionalism, kindness and human caring not just of the individuals who are actively engaged with the group, but also of the company for whom these people work. We had impressed this group not just with our product expertise and accessibility, but with our genuine care and attention to the small details.

As we approach the holiday season, give thanks to all those who help make your company a success in all the large and small things that they do because you never know who you may have affected and how deeply.

Chris EchevarriaChris_Echevarria_print_media_centr is a veteran of the offset analog world who has made her way into the digital space. From marketing segment manager, competitive market analyst, product manager and currently as Canon Solutions America’s customer experience manager in Boca Raton, Chris enjoys participating  in the changing landscape of the printing industry. The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and may not be attributed to any organization.


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