Project Peacock: A Resource Playground for Printers and Creatives

These days good information is increasingly difficult to come by. Unless you already know what you’re looking for, you may have to dig through a few google pages to find the “right” information.  Sure, my keywords will get me towards what I need…but after filtering through all the sponsored information and the various blogs that share the same press release over and over verbatim…more often than not I fall down the google rabbit-hole of information not related to my topic of interest in the first place.

Sound familiar? Well, Project Peacock to the rescue! At Project Peacock (a free platform for info sharing and networking) you can explore topics with ease while also meeting like-minded creatives and business owners.

Project Peacock: A Resource Playground for Printers and Creatives

Last week I logged on to check out what the Project Peacock platform was all about.

I had been on the mailing list for some time but had never really poked around. The July 15, Project Peacock Packaging event, was about to go live and so I was ready with my notebook and pen to soak up all I could.

What happened next surprised me. I wasn’t watching one of the typical and repetitious print-related webinars I’m so very used to. No, the People of Packaging live podcast, hosted by Adam Peek with special guest Kirk Visola was raw, refreshing, and engaging. Not only were these guys entertaining and informative but so was the side-conversation over in the platforms’ chatroom where online participants commented and shared their related thoughts and opinions. Daniel Dejan presented on Ever-Changing Packaging and covered the range in new and advanced technologies available to create an engaging package experience. Camille Corr Chism, CPPL Fellow, brought it home with The Complete Package, an overview of how to bring a packaged product to life from concept to production.

From the pandemic-driven aluminum can shortage to over-exploring packaging that you can’t actually afford, considerations for packaging strategy that every designer and packaging expert should know were touched. Discussions ensued from the role of packaging, technological advances, all the way to thinking through the entire packaging process. Designers, print buyers, printers, and vendors alike echoed the speakers’ calling for the “revenge of analog.” The chatroom was flooded with comments and chatter about cool engaging packaging examples we’ve all been seeing lately.

Overall other people share my opinions about the live event on the platform. “Really fun to listen in!” “Thank you for the outstanding information and bringing brilliant minds together!” “Thank you to all speakers. This has been fascinating! 😊”

“Where are the cocktails?” one participant asked. Well, over in the vendor booths actually!  There, I found REAL people ready to talk about just about everything. (I was expecting preloaded videos and chatbots…) Video chats included virtual hugs and toasts (BYOB) as well as information about new products and helpful conversations about the packaging industry. I enjoyed poking around the vendor booths especially and asking questions about new technology and catching up with old friends. Further, with a click of a button I could download designer/print guides, how-to, and tip sheets, request samples and engage with partners.

The live packaging event itself ended that night but the platform is actually open 24/7 so I can go back to booths, start new chats, watch replays and explore the resources again and again! There are a few other replays I need to catch up on actually, now that I’m hooked on this (free) resource hub. I hear the Postal event was a big hit this past spring and timely topics such as Combating Climate Crisis From the Ground Up, What has 2020 taught us about how we work? and Print and Interactive Marketing in 2021 and Beyond look interesting. Then of course coming up this fall I’d love to catch the Publishing (Sept. 9) and Point of Purchase (Nov. 11) events.

Project Peacock: A Resource Playground for Printers and Creatives

For designers, marketers, and print buyers the Project Peacock platform is a “place that allows easy access to smart print people, without having to wave a check in the air.” For example, if you pop into Project Peacock Partner booths and you’ll find helpful resources on a range of topics like tips and tricks on vinyl installation and applications, mailing guides, or how to read a swatch book.  Or if you search “Specialty Finishing” in the partner area you’ll find the latest technology solutions for digital finishing including embossing, metallic, and glitter.

Looking for a new substrate to wow your customers? Search “Paper/Substrates” in the partner listing. Need a specialty printer to outsource your next job? Search “Print Service Provider.” Need to add AR to your capabilities? Search “Marketing Technology/Software.” It’s all here, in one place. Printers can network with customers, printers, and vendors or a strategic partner like designers, marketing, and digital marketing service providers who joined to help printers offer more services and get found faster, online.

Something else I noticed as I poked around the booths? The Associations. Have you ever noticed at the large tradeshows how the associations are always lined up around the edge of the room with the tiny tables? Well, not here. On the Project Peacock platform, these organizations are right next to the big spenders! The best part? When you drop in on them, whether it’s 2 AM or noon, you’re bound to find the information you’re looking for. Or, if not, you have the option to book a meeting, send an email, or contact the person you need to reach without reaching for the phone book (a.k.a. Siri of course…).

The Project Peacock platform isn’t just a place to watch talking heads and message vendors—it’s much more. It’s not an online tradeshow with pre-recorded webinars and vendor information…this is something different. It’s a resource. A place to make connections with REAL people. A holding place for how-tos and why nots. It’s a playground of print knowledge and more! And it’s ready for you to search.

So “Don’t Search Google, Search Peacock!”



Nichole Jones e1628976554741Nichole Jones is a freelance writer and photographer. Nichole has authored many types of content on digital printing from blogs to whitepapers (technical and strategic) to case stories. As part of the Keypoint Intelligence/InfoTrends Business Development team, she advised clients on content strategy, developed business development programs, and managed content distribution. Connect with Nichole on LinkedIn or contact her via email.






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