Printers Sabotage Their Marketing Success With These 7 Phrases
Have you heard yourself say any of these 7 self-limiting phrases? If so, you’re holding your company back from print + digital success! Do you put up roadblocks to an effective marketing program because you are a printer? Do you avoid using digital options and only use printed communication? Do you underestimate the power of […]
Executive Outlook at Graph Expo Unveils Freeze Frame of Today’s Printing Industry
Photo by Melissa DiVietri Conference Sets a Pivot Point for Futurists, Analysts and Practitioners to Access a 360 View of Industry The Executive Outlook conference took place the first morning of Graph Expo 2014, setting the stage for the equipment, products and services displayed on the trade show floor. The session — entitled “Print That Performs” — […]
What to Do When Your Email + Print Campaign is TOO Successful
Thinking about combining digital communications with print? Careful — it’s a potent mixture! Here’s a client project where we had to put on the brakes because our response rate was higher than we could handle: We helped a printing company plan and promote a business anniversary celebration that would feature live music and a catered […]
Cater To Customer Preferences By Adding Personalized Print To Your Email Campaigns
Email plus Print is a proven combination. Take it a step farther by personalizing the printed piece, and you put your customer’s preferences foremost in the experience. And yet, in discussions with clients about this powerful pairing, clients often say: “If I send a direct mail piece based on intelligence gathered from an email campaign, my […]
Printers! Is A Google Penalty Causing A Drop In Your Web-to-Print Profits?
Sometimes printers hire me to write content for their website because there has been an unexplained decline in their web-to-print profits or a change in traffic to their print ordering portal. They think they need to freshen up their content. They want to try something new. Back up. They’ve seen a drop in their online business. […]
The Big Picture of SEO: Why Owners MUST be on the Team
In an ideal world, your printing company would have a team of trained specialists working on your website at all times: Web designer, who designs what the visitor will see and how they experience it. Programmer, who understands the inner workings of the website and works with the designer to create a logical and attractive […]
Your Email Newsletter Sends a Strong Signal to Google
One of the lesser-known benefits of a regular email newsletter campaign is to prime the pump on your prospect’s Google searches. I’m using “Google Search” intentionally, since Gmail, Google+ and Chrome users who are signed in will get different search results than those not using a Google product or not signed in. Here’s how […]
Photoshop CC update improves font search and integration
Even though Adobe rolled out new Photoshop features in January of this year, Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud) 2014 just added new updates on several new features, including more flexibility with fonts. Many of our PMC readers are beta testers and may have seen and used these features already, but now they’re now official for your customers […]
SEO for Printers: Strategy Has to Come First
I know a business owner who spent thousands — many thousands — to have his website “search engine optimized” by stuffing it with keywords. Problem was, there was nothing on his site written for real people, only for bots. Furthermore, the site was disorganized, ugly and confusing. Everything seemed so backward from what he […]
I Love the Smell of Donuts in the Morning: Email and Print Team Up to Make a Tasty Impression
It’s 10:10 a.m. on Tuesday. All the experts say, “Send your sales emails NOW!” You frantically push the “send” button while you watch the back end of the email marketing program to see who’s opening your email. You get a decent open rate, say 15% and, forever more, you mail at 10:10 on Tuesday morning. […]
Open the Door with Email, Clinch the Deal with Print
The one-two punch of email plus print – POW!! – is a powerful way to amplify your sales results. With email-to-print (E2P) marketing, you take a visual experience (email) and turn it into a tactile experience (print).h You transform a transitory message (email) into a lasting message (print). You use a targeted offer (email) to […]
10 Zen Tips for Mastering User Interfaces
How to Quickly Adjust to Navigation Changes in a Cloud-based Program by Sandy Hubbard, Print Futurist Does this sound familiar? You log into your social media platform, web-to-print portal, contact management system, or any subscription-based cloud service, and — ack! — nothing looks the same. Where there used to be words, there are icons. Everything is smaller and […]