Were You Naughty or Nice? 2015 in Review

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Hi! I’m Chloe! It’s hard to believe, but this is our second Holiday Season together! Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah! Felicitations for whatever you celebrate!

2015 has been a roller coaster of a year. Let’s look at what hit and what missed for me!

The big hit for the year is the growth of more solutions that let me create unique pieces for every recipient. Not just data-driven direct mail, but solutions like Mosaic from HP that created thousands and thousands of unique cans and bottles. That’s a technology that opens doors for all types of print pieces. It’s exciting!

Another big hit is the growth of Customer Experience discussions in the market. Finally brands are listening and beginning to understand that they need to see things through the eyes of their customers. More than lip service, they need to truly engage with their products the way customers do. One of the ways that happens is by ensuring that print remains as part of the customer channel, and that is creates a customer life cycle. It’s happening in the market… now it just needs to be the normal approach!

Blanket happiness that inkjet is growing, paper mills are bringing some really cool media to the market, and even finishing vendors are finding cool new things to do.

On the downside the list is a bit longer.

Augmented Reality feels like it’s stalled. And that makes me sad because I love the opportunity it should be giving me. Sadly most brands I talk to think it’s just too much trouble for not enough reward.

Annoyed that QR codes are still a thing.

Wondering why I still get DM solicitation letters in white envelopes that look like they were printed on an old IBM Selectric typewriter.

Struggling to understand why my customers can’t figure out how to use the data they have, or at least learn to segment and version to extend the reach of their brands.

Scratching my head over receiving holiday shopping catalogs that made me hunt for how to order online. Equally confused by brands that didn’t send me catalogs.

But you know what? It has been a heck of a year with a lot of cool projects and a chance to share my rants and raves with you. Thank you for reading!

Until next time… Watch this space for more from the life of a Print Diva, and Happy New Year.

ChloeChloe Mahendra-Fuji practices the fine arts of design critique, content creation and editing, and communication consulting. She has decades of experience working in online content delivery, print delivery, and content development. 

Connect with Chloe: @ChloePrintDiva / ChloePrintDiva@gmail.com



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