10 Do's and Don'ts for Facebook Pages

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Facebook may have 500 million users, but having an outpost on the social-media site won’t necessarily increase sales or referrals to your website. But the right tools, used strategically, can help make Facebook an important part of your marketing, lead acquisition and customer-service strategies.

Here are some do’s and don’ts for your company’s Facebook page.

1. Do: Take advantage of Facebook Places. This location-based application allows users to “check in” — or alert their network — wherever they are. If you have a brick-and-mortar location, turn patrons into Facebook promoters by giving them freebies or specials offers if they check-in from your location, using Facebook Places. But be sure to connect your check-in page to your company page, otherwise Facebook users who click check-in links on their News Feeds and Walls will be taken to a generic Facebook page that doesn’t contain your keywords or branding.

2. Do: Use Facebook for customer service. Online support forums and live-chat services can be costly. But Facebook can help you communicate easily with customers who become your fans on the site. Facebook’s Wall, forums, status updates and other features let you answer technical and other queries, post new product upgrades or offer a frequently-asked-questions section. Additionally, your fans can help each other out.

Continues at:  10 Do’s and Don’ts for Facebook Pages.

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