10 More Signs You Are a Print Junkie: #drupa2016 Edition

drupa_2016_PrinterverseMy first trip to the Messe to experience drupa has been quite an adventure. I came here with HP PageWide Press to help with some pre-show set-up, and will stay through June 10th reporting to you about the HP partners who have contributed to the amazing inkjet print we are producing on the show floor, and about everything I see while I am here at drupa. Follow @PrintMediaCentr  #PWPpartners on Twitter, and watch the Print Media Centr Facebook page for tons of pics I upload everyday.

Yesterday I saw “10 Sure Signs You Are A Print Junkie” shared out there in the Printerverse, and that inspired me to create a version that would address the CMYK on steroids x 10,000 to the 9th power, crazy-love of print and all things printed and related to print, that is going on here. I am eager to hear your additions before, during and especially after the show.  For now, get a pretzel and a beer and enjoy this wunderbar-ific countdown!

10 More Signs You Are a Print Junkie:
#drupa2016 Edition

  1. You downloaded every map of the Messe and meticulously coordinated your exhibitor plan of attack as such: workflow, prepress, paper, printing, finishing.
  1. You packed an extra bag to bring to the Messe for print samples, and factored in costs to get it home in your travel budget.
  1. You trained for drupa 2016 like a triathlon consisting of long distance walking, paper weight lifting, and international schmoozing.
  1. You learned how to take a selfie and post it to Facebook for your visit to the Landa booth.
  1. You can correctly associate Pantone colors to all the shades of beer in Dusseldorf.
  1. You can distinguish the smell of print equipment from the smell of bratwurst wafting across the Messe.
  1. You have learned to say “How much does this press cost” in German, Hebrew, Italian, Dutch, French, Spanish, Japanese – and English if one of those is your native tongue.
  1. You inspect the Euro’s in regard to paper, print quality and finishing.
  1. Heidelberg was the first word you knew in German

and the #1 sign your are a Print Junkie at drupa 2016

  1. You are wearing your drupa 2000 T-shirt

Auf Wiedersehen until 2019!

Deborah-Corn_PrintMediaCentrDeborah Corn is the Intergalactic Ambassador to The Printerverse at PrintMediaCentr, a Print Buyerologist™, Integrated Marketer, Industry Speaker and Blogger, Cultivator of the Print Production Professionals Group, the #1 Print Group on LinkedIn, and host of the weekly industry #PrintChat on Twitter. She has more than 25 years experience working in advertising and marketing, and currently works behind the scenes with printers, suppliers and industry organizations helping them to achieve success with their cross media and social media marketing endeavors.

Connect with Deborah through any of the social channels on PMC!

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