10,000 NFC Ad Panels Go Live Across The UK

Hear that? It’s the sound of progress! Sure there are soon to be antiquated QR codes on these out-of-home ads, but have no fear, as soon as all mobile devices are enabled with NFC readers they will be distant memories! 


I have been writing about NFC for over three years pretty much waiting for this sort of news. It was nice to see executions here and there, but 10,000 ads on the street shows a commitment to the technology from the advertising community. Why does that matter? Well, when we talk about numbers like this brands come into play; and once we are talking about brands, we are also talking about targeting consumers; and once consumers are targeted, the technology adaption rate is sped up since brands need consumers to understand how to use it for ROI. 

Now you might be thinking that you’ve heard that before specifically regarding QR codes, and I would agree. However, a big issue Ive always had with them is that the process was too “complicated” to explain in the type of sound bite communication advertising requires. With NFC, “Tap your mobile device here,” or simply “Tap,” works perfectly and no downloading of readers which may or may not work is required. That is certainly an added bonus, especially if you are walking down the street, or see your bus coming!  CHEERS NFC!

10,000 NFC ad panels go live across the UK 

By Sarah Clark 

Fast food chain KFC, the new Danny Boyle movie Trance and the West End musical The Bodyguard are the first to take advantage of out-of-home media owner Clear Channel’s new platform.

clear-channel-nfc-panelWork on out-of-home advertising giant Clear Channel’s network of 10,000 advertising panels equipped with NFC capabilities is now complete and details of the first advertisers to make use of the platform have been announced.

“From this week, consumers will be able to deepen their engagement with thousands of Clear Channel’s sites by tapping or scanning their mobile device on interactive panels on high streets and in town centres right across the UK,” the company says.

“At launch, consumers who tap or scan interactive panels next to adverts for upcoming Danny Boyle movie Trance will be able to watch film trailers; Dewynters will offer video clips of the West End musical The Bodyguard; while panels next to KFC posters will provide a proximity search that will let consumers find their nearest restaurant.

“The landmark platform also gives advertisers the opportunity to deepen their interaction with consumers by offering interactive content and social media integration, while consumers will be able to use their smartphones to download vouchers and promotions.

Continues at:  10,000 NFC ad panels go live across the UK • NFC World.


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