11 Examples of Inspirational Print and Flyer Design

By James Lane 

In an ever growing competitive market regardless of your industry or expertise it is getting more and more difficult to stand out from the crowd.

With a digital age that is constantly revolving and evolving offline marketing and branding is somewhat often overlooked so we have decided to compile a collection of highly inspiration flyer and leaflet designs that really tickle your tastebuds and get you motivated to go and create something a bit special.

Making sure you create the right first impression to stand out from the crowd or to give a powerful message can be intergral and can make or break a print marketing campaign and even more so if you are going the direct mail route with your material.

So without further ado let me go ahead and present some of the most inspirational print material (in our opinion).

Nike – Dubai Open History Starts Here Campaign.



Fiat – You either see the letter or the girl, don’t text and drive campaign. 


Prudential – Babies born today are more likely to live to 100 than have blonde hair campaign.


Starbucks – Ride share with a cup of coffee campaign.


Coffee Inn – Less milk, more coffee campaign.


Frampton & Cincinnati – Ballet live campaign.


Drop Inn Hostel – We dropped our ‘O’ campaign.


99U – Stop doing busy work, start doing your best work campaign.




California State University – Spring Show 2011 campaign.




Kimberley Clark – Your hands can be dangeous campaign. 



headshot-avatarJames Lane, Marketing Manager of Essex Distributions (www.essex-distributions.com) is part of a ten strong team pushing leaflet distribution services throughout London & Essex, who is passionate about offline marketing and media.

Connect with Essex: G+ / Facebook / Twitter


One Response

  1. Wow these flyers are really awesome! I love the colors and how many look quite simple until really examined.


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