13 Reasons Your Brain Craves Infographics

When someone is explaining something to you, do you typically respond with “I hear what you’re saying” or “I see what you’re saying” – your answer would categorize you as either a verbal, or a visual thinker. However, most people are a combination of both which should probably be reason #14 Infographics are so popular!

Interesting stat to note – On average, online users only read 28% of the words on a website. That’s good news for “print” but of course bad news for our websites! I hope that will push a bunch of you to add portfolios and samples to your sites! As Ive said many times, as a buyer it’s the first thing I look for when visiting a Printer’s site, and if you pass the visual test, I then go to look for other things.

But back to infographics… this one was created by Neomammalian Studios and was sent to me password protected. It’s created in HTML5 and totally interactive! If you push the little Twitter Birds it will take the stats and set ip a tweet for you – cool! Im hoping, since they encouraged me to share, that you will be able to access by clicking on the image below that was created with an embed code they provided… so Mission Impossible!

13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics

13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics [Infographic] by the team at NeoMam

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