152 Facebook friends tattoo is a Hoax

By Suzanne Choney

Picture 11That story about a woman who had 152 of her Facebook friends photos tattooed on her arm, a kind of “Facebook sleeve” — shared in a YouTube video that went viral, including here? Its a hoax, a fraud.

The woman, from the Netherlands, identified as Suzyj87, touted the fake Facebook “sleeve” in the video called “My Social Tattoo.” But none of it was real.

Dutch News reported Wednesday that Rotterdam tattoo artist Dex Moelker “came clean on the Telegraaf website, admitting the tattoo and video is an advertising stunt”:

It is a try-out tattoo, a transfer, that washes off in a couple of days, Moelker, who has a tattoo shop in Rotterdam, told the paper. It took a couple of hours to apply the transfer not the 30 hours the video claimed to produce the real tattoo.

The video credits also thank a local Dutch firm which specialises in making gifts out of Facebook profile pictures.

The only thing these folks had up their sleeves was no good. Shame on them. But shame on us in the news media and me for biting on this one so quickly.— Via Forbes

via Technolog – Facebook 152-friends-on-arm tattoo is a lie.

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