123RFCares And Tsunami Relief Aid Fund

Download Any 123RFCares Image, we will match each download dollar for dollar and donate the proceeds to the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Aid Fund.

123rfThe massive earthquake and tsunami that struck the north-eastern coast of Japan on March 11, 2011 has robbed many off their lives and tens of thousands left homeless and in despair, struggling to rebuild their lives once again. Do spare a thought for the many in Japan who no longer have a family or loved ones to go home to, let alone a roof over their heads.

We at 123RF.com would like to extend our sincere condolences and prayers to the victims of this calamity. We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of innocent lives, displacement of families and the homes of many that were destroyed beyond recognition. As part of our humanitarian efforts, we would like to offer our heartfelt support to the survivors through 123RFCares – Tsunami Relief Fund.

Here is how it works:

We have set up a special account called “123RFCares“, with the aid of our team of designers and specially invited 123RF Contributors. We have populated this portfolio with images exclusively donated for a worthy cause.Picture 22

When you download any image from this account, you will be contributing towards the relief effort. All commissions that this account receives will go to the Hong Kong Red Cross, particularly for the Tsunami Relief Efforts in Japan. At 123RF, we pledge to match the commissions dollar for dollar in aid of this noble humanitarian cause. The proceeds will then be wired to the Hong Kong Red Cross on a monthly basis until April 10, 2011. Thereafter, plans are also underway to extend similar campaigns in aid of other humanitarian causes in the future.

Continues at:  Download Any Image From 123RFCares, We Donate To Japan Earthquake And Tsunami Relief Aid Fund...

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