2011: The Year of The Cloud

Cloud computing icon
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If your marketing strategy has not yet moved onto the cloud, you risk getting left behind. But what is the cloud? And how beneficial really is this skywards migration? Alex Aspinall investigates

Cloud technology: a new dawn for marketers? Findings published recently by The Centre for Economics & Business Research reveal that the further adoption of cloud computing could be worth £645 billion for the top five EU economies over the next five years. Furthermore, it could also create 2.4 million jobs; 2011 is ‘the year of the cloud.’

Closer to home, there has also been a great deal of noise made recently about how cloud computing is going to transform (or at least change) the ways in which marketers meet their objectives. Salesforce recently announced the launch of its Database.com product, billed as ‘the first enterprise database built for the cloud’. Really Simple Systems also revealed an impressive take-up rate of its newly-launched free cloud-based CRM system. And you are guaranteed to see more marketing solutions and related software products located on the cloud in the coming year.

But despite these product launches, assertions and headline-friendly stats, there’s still a degree of uncertainty, among all but the most tech-savvy marketers, regarding exactly what the cloud is offering and what it might mean for them.

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