2016 CMYK Manifesto: Pushing The Print Media Agenda

Print Media Centr 2016 manifesto

The Following Topics are Over and Done With in 2016!

YOU, Yes, Still You! This was included in the 2015 CMYK Manifesto, but it’s obvious many didn’t take this advice to heart, so I’ll try again. If your marketing is based on telling people what you want them to know, and that “conversation” consists of you broadcasting without any mechanism to get feedback, the actual conversations about your products and services are happening without you. More important, the opportunity to learn from customers and prospects is lost. Always be a giver, but don’t skip the receiving part.

Shrinkage! Pssst – the industry is smaller and print volume is smaller; welcome to the digital age, so glad you could join us. Now move on and let’s skip over the obvious when it comes to smaller industry events, smaller industry orgs, less printers out there and things of that nature. The industry is getting lean and mean and that is a bonus. Focus on the events, organizations, people, products and services that are here, contribute to making them as valuable as possible, and stop waxing nostalgic for the good ole’ days. The only thing that seems “old” when you do that… is you.

Blanket Statements! Better quality, better service, better price… says who, you? (See up there). It’s 2016 and if you are still operating with a one message ring to rule them all, quickly make your way to Mount Doom and jump in. 1:1 communication isn’t just something to be sold, it’s something to be practiced. Please start now!

Millenials! You know Millennials hate? Being lumped into a group called Millenials, and being treated as a group vs. the individuals who make it up. The things they have in common as a group center on technology use, and wanting to leave the world in better shape than we have. Take the money you allocated for purchasing “What You Need to Know About Marketing To Millenials” research and donate it to a worthy cause instead. List such activities on your website, and share through social media. THAT is how you market to Millenials!

The Mission For 2016: Pushing The Print Media Agenda

Print is finally DEAD after a multi-year death rattle (In Memoriam: Print 220–2015 AD), and Print Media has taken its rightful place in the omnichannel marketing world along side Digital Media, Mobile Media and Social Media. Now that we are all getting along again, our work can begin.

Here are five ways to push the Print Media agenda in 2016…

R.E.L.E.V.A.N.C.Y. For targeted 1:1 communications, Print Media has no rivals. Don’t just tell customers/prospects; show them. Take something they produced and literally mark it up with the missed opportunities to create more value for the piece, and the recipient. Take the time to share relevant information on response rates for properly personalized marketing materials, just avoid blanket statements and the one-size fits all approach. A florist and an automaker do not have the same budget, prove your relevancy by knowing the difference and having lots of options.

Stand Out! Spray and Pray is over. Convince your customers to do more with relevant, targeted marketing. Print Media is COOL, and more important it is still the only media that is tangible. Help customers take advantage of that and get creative. For inspiration see: Scodix, Highcon and of course Fold Factory!

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Be A One, Not A Zero! The algorithms are running rampant collecting and distributing data so Mr. Google can serve relevant ad content. Why should they have all the fun? Print Media is about DATA. If you don’t have a data expert that can speak human get one, and take them everywhere you go. It’s ok if the data expert isn’t you. What counts is they are with you, and together you can help customers execute technology-based print media marketing solutions via one-stop shopping.

Mentor! I’ve used mentor vs. educate because we are all about 1:1 communication in 2016. Create relevant educational materials for new relevant hires in your world. A fraction to digital conversion chart, or an envelope size chart always comes in handy. Personalize/customize them, and use as the gateway drug to creating relationships where customers see you as someone who helps them vs. someone who wants to sell them. Once that trust is established you will have many opportunities to discuss the power of Print Media, and partner to execute… just don’t abuse the access.

Contribute! In every way you can, support the industry: Join orgs, go to events, attend webinars, subscribe to trade magazines, and so on. If you aren’t getting what you need from the industry let them know! Trust me, “they” want you to join, attend and subscribe, and as the industry continues to evolve so must the ways in which the needs of the industry are served. Complacency will no longer be tolerated.

2016 is going to be a fantastic year. While you get cracking on the above, I’m going to continue with my mission to explore new events… to seek out cool print and share your stories… to boldly blog where no one has blogged before… and hang out with all of you as much as I can this year!

Print Long and Prosper!


3 Responses

  1. “You know Millennials hate? Being lumped into a group called Millenials,
    and being treated as a group vs. the individuals who make it up.” This could not be more spot on. Focus on building relationships with them just like you do with everyone else. Get them involved, show them that you care about their needs and wants. Thank you, Deborah!


Canon Production Printing Print Media Centr