Print Media Centr Readers Pick The Best Posts Of 2016

Print Media Centr Best of 2016

Greeting Citizens of The Printerverse, CMYK Enthusiasts, and Print Media Centr Readers… Happy almost New Year! No better time to look back and share some annual history with you. Here is a bit of statistical site info and some quick links for the Top 10 posts on PMC in 2016!

PMC attracted readers from all over the planet with US, United Kingdom, Canada, India and Australia leading the pack.

Shout-out to new visitors from Seychelles, Suriname, and Macau… thanks for stopping by! Other honorable mentions go to a growing number of our peers and colleagues in the Caribbean and on the African continent who made PMC a regular stop in 2016.

66% of PMC visitors came through on desktop, 30% from mobile, and 4% from identified tablet. At least 69 of you are still using a Blackberry, and a few weird devices showed up this year such as: Spice M6800 Flo, OnePlus ONE A2003 2, and Elephant P3000S. By far Samsung is the mobile phone of choice in the Printerverse, as long as you are allowed to turn it on!

Socially Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook respectively provided the most PMC referral traffic, however a new channel popped up in fourth place this year… Thank you REDDIT! and Pinterest moved to fifth.

My blog on Printing Impressions and parent site gets an honorable referral traffic mention accompanied by a GINORMOUS shout-out to PI for being an awesome industry resource and PMC partner. (Follow them @PIConnects, subscribe to their daily email for industry news, and to subscribe to Printing Impressions Magazine – it’s FREE!!

Last but far from least — Shout-out to the Printerverse for sharing our content through your sites and social channels! We have had an explosion of community support this year. It’s apparent that more of you are using social media and content to grow your audience and generate traffic to your sites. Thanks for finding PMC share-worthy!

Speaking of which…

Print Media Centr top 10 posts 2016

PMC’s Top 10 posts of 2016 according to our visitor stats… 

10. 6 Things to LOVE About Print Sales (Post by PMC Contributor Kelly Mallozzi)

9. Will The Resurgence of QR Codes Have Value For Marketers? (Post by PMC Contributor Andy Solages)

8. #UKvUSA: Do Your Suppliers Suck?

7. 3 Ways Your Company Can Avoid a LinkedIn Level Disaster

6. 5 Creative Ways Print Can Grow Your Business (Guest Post by Roberto Blake)

5. Election 2016: And The Loser Is YOU And Social Media

4. Web to Print Solutions Benched by New Tech (Guest Post by Alex Almada, Propago)

3. 2016 CMYK Manifesto: Pushing The Print Media Agenda

2. Canon Unleashes Print and Voyager at drupa 2016

And the #1 post on PMC in 2016…

Caution: Dangerous B2B Marketing Fail Ahead

Honorable Mentions:

PMC Contributor and #PrintChat moderator Sandy Hubbard gets the TOPICAL RELEVANCE award for her timely post: Use Print to Capitalize on the #PokemonGO Craze which produced a craze of traffic on PMC!

FAST MOVER award goes to: The 12 Days Of PRINTMAS Sing-A-Long 2016 which hit the top 25 in less than 3 weeks.

MOST BANG FOR YOUR TIME award goes to: Postcards From The Printerverse: 5 Events in 5 Minutes or Less – also in top 25.

The three most read interviews on PMC in 2016: 

Exclusive Interview: Benny Landa on Success and Innovation

1/1 Interview with Sabine Geldermann – Director, drupa

The Year Ahead: Q&A With David Murphy, HP PageWide Web Press

See all PMC interviews here — worth checking out!

connect with Print Media Centr 2017

PLEASE take a few seconds to connect with us on social media.. it’s good for PRINT (and for you) to have a large and active social community out there for people to find…

Twitter — Always active, always sharing topical and relevant info from us, and YOU!

Facebook — Pics from events, posts and sharing of community content.. if we are connected!

Print Production Professionals LinkedIn Group — #1 print group on LinkedIn with 94K+ members!

YouTube — Videos from events, ALL the Printerverse panels and some fun mixed in!

Instagram — Mix of personal and Printerverse pics

BUT WAIT… there’s more!!

Check out #PrintChat on Wednesdays at 4PM ET — This hour long chat attracts the best and brightest industry influencers from the print community. Join the conversation and make new connections!

Subscribe to News From The Printerverse — For monthly PRINTSPIRATION! That’s 1 email a month / 12 emails total in 2017 delivered to your inbox. Try it… You can easily unsubscribe if you don’t have time to read it.

Submit your RSS feed! Add your content to this amazing collection of community blogs.

LIST YOUR BIZ FOR FREE! Get found on our global print and marketing services directory

Thanks for all the support of PMC in 2016… 



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