Five Important Questions To Ask Print Customers About Their Customers

top five questions to ask

In the previous Five Questions That Identify Print Solutions article we discussed the Awareness to Revenue process and ended with a list of questions to ask that help deliver print solutions. Now we’re doing a deep dive on these questions to show how they help solve your client’s problems.

These five questions build on each other. Ask the first two questions first in whatever order feels natural to you. Same for questions #3 and #4. But save question #5 for last. It is too open ended to ask first. The first four questions frame the response that makes the response to the last question invaluable.

Note: In this article, we use the term clients to mean the buyer you, as a marketing or print service provider, sell to. Customer refers to your client’s customers.

1. How do you find customers, or how do they find you?

Whenever I meet a marketing or sales executive I usually lead with this question. It is an opened ended question that normally leads in interesting directions. Benefits of this question include:

  • It immediately gets people talking about themselves and their work.
  • The conversation goes in a direction that quickly provides insight into their most important business processes and needs.
  • It’s holistic and doesn’t pigeon-hole the conversation into a discussion only about sales or only about marketing.

2. What do your ideal customers look like?

There’s two parts to this question:


Define what industries, geographies, and size of customers that the company is most successful with.

Value of the Deal or Customer Lifetime Value

The value of the customer lifetime value help defines the acceptable cost of sales. Companies that realize a high portion of lifetime value from the first sale will use ROI on the initial sale as the primary measure of success. Companies with long term customer relationships with continuing, or increasing, revenue will be less reliant on the amount of the first sale and should place more emphasis on customer retention.

Don’t ask “what do your customers look like?” If you ask this question you may hear about the majority of customers, not the 20% where most profits are typically derived from.

3. How long does a typical buying process take?

Customer value (question #2) and the length of the buying process drives sales and marketing processes. Longer buying processes require:

  • Focus on each phase of the Awareness > Consideration > Decision customer journey.
  • Long term nurturing that presents this content at the right time.
  • More direct sales activity that builds the relationship and, most importantly, trust.

Be sure to focus on the buying process of ideal customers.

4. What steps do customers go through before buying?

This gets into the specifics that identifies areas you can help. You may come across companies that have well documented customer journeys that identify personas and detail where sales collateral and digital content are used. But you won’t normally find this to be the case.

You may get a description of the company’s sales process. While gaps in content or collateral may be identified that is a quick opportunity, this is tactical and won’t make you invaluable.

There is a strong correlation between:

  • the duration of the sales cycle
  • the number of steps customers go through, and
  • the number of people involved in the buying process

The more complex the customer buying process the more opportunities you can find to help.

5. What are your biggest problems?

This question is too open-ended to ask first, but after going through the There are many reasons to save this question for last. The answer will be:

  • More relevant to how you can help
  • Include issues that were identified during the conversation
  • Easier to articulate

You may be able to directly solve their biggest problems. For some ideas read the earlier Print Media Centr article Four Email Marketing Problems Direct Mail Solves for Reaching Customers.

When you can’t solve the biggest problems:

  1. Discuss tactical projects that fill the gaps identified by question #4.
  2. Provide ideas that may help solve the biggest problems.

Build trust and propose services that solve real problems.

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tod_cordill_print media centr
Tod Cordill helps small and medium-sized companies integrate digital marketing channels into existing sales and marketing efforts to more efficiently drive business growth.  Tod has worked in a variety of industries including software, manufacturing, printing, and eCommerce and continues to work with similar companies via his work at Moderno Strategies. Tod combines his P&L perspective with engineering problem-solving structure to help clients grow their business.
Connect with Tod: @todcordill on Twitter and on LinkedIn

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