3 Trends That Will Shape CRM Evolution in the Year to Come

Many businesses are reluctant to take the social CRM leap without the ability to measure its impact on their revenues and ROI. This hesitancy is giving the analytics side of the equation a chance to catch up. It doesn’t hurt that some of the significant voices in the space are strongly advocating the development of a coherent approach to analyzing social CRM data as part of your initial social CRM strategy.

crmThis year, the CRM Evolution event was true to its name. The organization of the show reflected the way thinking about CRM has changed over the years, with a breakdown into three tracks: CRM, Social CRM and Deployment Strategies.

Really, the tracks parallel the state of CRM for its users — or rather, where users are on their CRM journeys. There are many seeking guidance to deploy and integrate CRM, others who are trying to peek over the horizon at what will come next, and a surprisingly large contingent of businesses still struggling to understand the discipline of CRM and the associated technology.

As the knowledge gap grows between those just starting to explore CRM and those looking for the next big thing, it becomes harder and harder to pick out themes from events like this — usually. In the case of this year’s show, though, there were three things that leapt out at me as important phenomena that foreshadow the developments we’ll see in the 12 months between now and next year’s show.

See full article here:  CRM News: Trends: 3 Trends That Will Shape CRM Evolution in the Year to Come.

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