4 Digital Alternatives to Traditional Resumes

basic resume

Even as a small business owner, you need a resume. Resumes serve to provide a summary of your professional experience. They aren’t just used when you’re looking for a job. Many times, your resume can serve as a way to land a piece of business, speaking gig or board position. So it’s important to always have a resume that’s ready to go in a moment’s notice.

Penelope Trunk, chief evangelist and co-founder of Brazen Careerist, a career management tool for young professionals, points out that “a traditional resume isn’t necessarily linear. But careers today are nonlinear. People often do more than one job at once, people often learn more in between jobs than during a job. Therefore, a resume based on ideas and conversations is a more accurate representation of today’s worker than a resume based on linear histories.”

Today’s business owners are involved in much more than running the business. So, in addition to the traditional paper resume, there are some other ways to convey a summary of your experience and knowledge. Depending upon your situation, you might want to explore one or all of the following options, including video resumes, VisualCVs, social resumes and LinkedIn profiles.

Continues at:  4 Digital Alternatives to the Traditional Resume : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum.


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