4 Reasons to Expand Your Business to Brazil

National seal of Brazil, according to Decree n...
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Why should you do business in Brazil? I can give you 200 million reasons. That’s the number of consumers your small business can reach in this South American country — more than five times as many as live in the state of California. But sheer scale and size aren’t the only reasons to consider this cross-border opportunity. Here are four more:

1.     Exponential growth. Like China, Brazil has traditionally relied on its domestic economy, but that’s all changing fast. Currently the eighth-largest economy in the world, Brazil is expected to grow to be the fifth-largest in just a few decades. Even during the worst of the global meltdown in the past two years, Brazil’s domestic performance and output was still very solid. This goes to show that the country has plenty of room to expand its export market. Brazil’s leaders see what’s happening in China and in India to some degree, and they fully intend to stay on the cutting edge of international growth.

2.     Emerging market opportunities. Right now, most of the products Brazil exports are raw materials. So the time is right for business owners to enter the country with an entrepreneurial spirit. In early May, Brazil and the U.S. announced an innovation-focused agenda that will deepen commercial relations on five core themes, including: innovation and green technology; trade facilitation and business development; intellectual property cooperation; standards and metrology; and services and small- and medium-size enterprises. If you’re in the business of developing new products and innovations that other countries have taken for granted, Brazil could be fertile ground for you.

See full article at:  4 Reasons to Expand Your Business to Brazil : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum.

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