With Valentine’s Day in February, you already have a door cracked open for the opportunity to share some printspiration and print love with your creative print customers. Here are four ideas for winning some hearts, minds, and dollars.
Creative Color Combinations
A color pallet is key to branding and marketing campaigns. Many of the design and presentation programs come with preset pallets to peruse and use or find inspiration. Last week I saw something fly past on social media that was worth stopping for.
While the origin isn’t clear, color spectrums based on movie frames were trending for a few days in my feed. I did a little digging and I believe they were first created by product designer, Dillon Baker. His site leads to his store on ArtPal where you can see a comprehensive collection and buy the spectrums in several printed formats.
Share this with your more creative customers as something cool to use for color inspiration. Create a spectrum of their work, PRINT IT, and send it over for Valentine’s Day. Every time they look at it, they will think of you and love that you thought enough of them to send a truly personal printed piece.
Terrific Typography Tips
Typography is an integral element of design and branding. How a word looks can be just as important as what it says. Best example, close your eyes and think about Halloween. Do creepy fonts fill your creepy thoughts?
Most designers and creative people I have met along the way LOVE typography. And even though the internet has put some limits on using certain fonts natively on web pages, PRINT allows for it all.
Share some typography love in February. Create a quiz! What is a typeface? What is a font? This page has everything you need.
Use the image above, fill in a few answers, and ask your customers, prospects, and social media connections to fill in the rest and send it back to you.
Not only will you generate some typographic love with those who participate, but you will also generate a highly targeted email list of respondents for continued communication, and adoration for inspiration in the process.
Share Social Shoutouts
Create social posts to celebrate your customers and give their businesses some love through your channels. Share how they help their customers. Share why you love working and collaborating with them. Share their sites and tag them everywhere you post.
When appropriate, create a collage of their work and share it as the post’s image. If you are unable to do that, use their logo. Make these shares about them, using words that target to customers they want to attract. Sharing is caring, and they will love the gesture – and attention.
Peruse and Participate in Project Peacock
ProjectPeacock.TV streams prinspiration to print and marketing professionals around the world 24/7/365. New episodes are posted, and more are coming from our shoots in 2023. These short films share the importance of collaboration, and how to create successful printed projects by using the right print, paper, and finishing ingredients.
Planning for Project Peacock shoots in 2024 is underway. Reach out to me, reach out to your OEMs and vendors to let them know your business and their products are ready for a close-up. With more than 160,000 video views since Sept 2022, it’s clear that the print, marketing, and design world LOVES the platform. CA CAWWWW!! 🦚🦚
See Deborah’s featured post: CMYK MANIFESTO 2024: Rewind, Reignite and Represent the Printing Industry

Deborah Corn is the Intergalactic Ambassador to the Printerverse at Print Media Centr, a Print Buyerologist, international industry speaker and blogger, and the cultivator of Print Production Professionals, the #1 print group on LinkedIn. She provides printspiration and resources to print and marketing professionals through education, events, Podcasts From The Printerverse, ProjectPeacock.TV, and an array of community-lifting initiatives including Girls Who Print and International Print Day,
Deborah also helps companies create more meaningful and profitable customer relationships by utilizing more than 25 years of experience as an agency, brand, and corporate print buyer who has assessed, hired, and worked with a plethora of printers and service providers.
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