5 Habits of Highly-Successful Freelancers

twf buttonI have the pleasure of knowing several highly-successful freelancers, some of whom are top names in their respective fields.I also know many very talented freelancers who are struggling. Try as they might, they just can’t seem to build any momentum in their business. Clients seem elusive. Good projects, scarce. So what’s going on?

Over the years, I’ve observed that the most successful freelancers – the ones that get the best clients, projects and fees – have the following five habits. And the good news is, we all can acquire these habits. It just takes a little discipline. Which, incidentally, is habit #5. Here’s what you need to do…

Habit #1. Be a readerThis is obvious. In just about every profession, the readers are the winners. I have yet to meet a truly successful person who doesn’t have a veracious appetite for information — even information outside their field. They read books, magazines, blogs, special reports, ezines, anything they can get their hands on.If the sheer enjoyment of reading isn’t enough to motivate you, commit to a reading schedule. Perhaps three hours per week? Or a book a month? Or a book a week!

See full article at:  5 Habits of Highly-Successful Freelancers | The Wealthy Freelancer.

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