5 Facebook Pages To Visit When You Need Inspiration

No one can feel upbeat and positive 100% of the time. And I am no exception. While I pride myself on being a very “glass half full” type of person, there are certainly days and hours in which I can find myself feeling pretty low. Some of those times, I might call a friend, turn up the happy tunes, or just try to get some silence and space to myself.

Facebook inspiration _ print-media-centr

Other times though, I reach out to the wider world and people and places and organizations that I know I can count in to lift me up. And so I thought I would share some of my GO TO Facebook pages so that, if you ever feel yourself feeling low, you can reach for one of these instead of a pint of ice cream. (Just kidding – have the ice cream anyway, but enjoy this inspirational stuff too.

1. Ray Lewis https://www.facebook.com/officialraylewis This guy caught my attention as I watched him give a pre-game pep talk to his team several years ago. He used the word RELENTLESS and from that moment I was hooked on him. In my humble opinion, he is a great role model, inspiring speaker, and all around god guy.

2. Mike Dooley and the TUT blog https://www.facebook.com/mikedooley I have Bill Farquharson to thank for turning me on to this guy – he is nothing but positive energy and all around wisdom. I always get something out of his daily emails, Facebook posts and blogs. I have also found that his products make for great gifts.

3. Idealliance https://www.facebook.com/IdeallianceUS Because this is where you can find my mentor and great friend Bill Farquharson, I am giving this one two enthusiastic thumbs up. A great resource for all things graphic arts, it is just nice to know there are still groups out there shouting from the rooftops that PRINT is alive!

4. Elizabeth Gilbert https://www.facebook.com/GilbertLiz One of my favorite authors, Liz is also one of the most inspiring, authentic and honest people out there in the public eye. Both her fiction and no fiction have changed the world (EAT PRAY LOVE, anybody?)

5. Four way tie between Deb Corn, Mary Beth Smith, Trish Witkowski and Jules Van Sant. Step aside from this GIRL POWER rant right now, fellas. But I am crushing hard on all these print evangelistas who have worked so tirelessly for so many years to inspire, support and mentor next generations of women to choose our industry and help us all thrive. Find their links below and join me in celebrating 4 strong women who are awesomely print-tastic.





KellyMallozzi_PrintMediaCentrAs a sales and marketing coach and consultant at Success In Print, Kelly Mallozzi advocates for graphic arts companies to start a revolution and fight to keep print relevant.  She may be irreverent, but what she lacks in convention, she makes up for in smart-assery.

Connect With Kelly: Twitter @SuccessInPrint and check out her weekly blog on Printing Impressions.


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