5 Steps for Specifying Eco-friendly Papers

I get asked a lot by my customers what is the most environmentally friendly paper. Many think because a paper has 100%PCW that it must be the best choice for their client – not necessarily so. To make life a little easier for those who really want to be eco-conscious when selecting paper for print, here are 5 simple steps to remember.

1. Choose paper with the highest amount of PCW for the job. Did you see that last part – for the job. Just because a sheet is 100%PCW does not mean it is appropriate for every print project. For example, it is very easy to find a sheet for an identity system that is 100%PCW and I would say that is a very conscientious choice. However, if you are working on an annual report, or corporate brochure and require a coated paper, 100%PCW is not going to be a good fit. Why?

Read full article at:  Millcraft Paper Company: 5 Steps for Specifying Eco-friendly Papers.


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