5 Tips for Utilizing Skype for Business

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When it comes to business communication, Skype is an invaluable tool. Its impressive array of features make it ideal for sending files, checking in on business partners, holding video conferences and making international calls.

Its popularity cannot be denied; the VoIP client has over 550 million users and actually accounted for 12 percent of the world’s international calls in 2009. There’s definitely a reason why one-third of Skype users utilize it primarily for business.

Very few get the full value out of Skype, though. Many in the business world don’t realize just how useful Skype can be or how much time it can save for those that know its best features or the tricks for getting the most of the desktop client.

We could write a book-length guide on using Skype, but here are five of our favorite tips for getting the most out of Skype for small business.

Continues at:  5 Tips for Utilizing Skype for Business : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum.

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