6 Ways to Integrate Print with Your Social Media Marketing

Hopefully, this isn’t a new subject for you, and whatever you call it – cross media, multichannel or cross channel marketing – you already have some strategy in place and are executing.  If not, well, this is some great info on how to get on board and QUICKLY!

6 Ways to Integrate Print with Your Social Media Marketing

by Jack Strutzas

integrationThe Internet has undoubtedly changed the world of advertising forever, and a successful advertising campaign must embrace this medium in order to be successful. One may think that a purely online approach is the answer to the changing business trends, but it’s also important to remember that physical promotional items still reach areas that online advertising can’t. Here are some ways to integrate your print and social marketing efforts to produce the best results.

Targeting – One of the most useful ways to reach your target demographic is to pay attention to what your customers want. Keeping track of what they are searching for online and what they Like on Facebook is a great way to create print targeting that will reach the intended audience. While most of their searches are limited to Internet topics, it may also be possible to tailor your print campaign to meet their online interests.

Feedback – Effective advertising brings customers to your site or business, but ultimately the final approval comes from the customer. Online outlets are a great way to receive feedback from your customers in order to fine-tune your campaign. Setting up online feedback makes it convenient for customers to share their opinions. Print ads that mention this place for feedback will help direct your clientele and ensure that they are able to point out the pros and cons of your promotional items.

Creativity – Most companies realize that a balance of online content and physical information is necessary, but many aren’t sure how to achieve the balance. Oftentimes the answer comes down to budget and how much resources are being distributed to each area of advertising. In the end, achieving balance relies heavily on trial and error and the ability to be creative both on and offline. Experimenting with both of these mediums will give your company a better understanding of which areas are effective and which ones need work.

Continues at:  6 Ways to Integrate Print with Your Social Media Marketing | Social Media Today.


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