7 Lessons Web Designers Can Learn from Print

7print 1I should begin by stamping out any suspicions that this article in any way presents one profession or design medium over another. As both a print and web designer, I’m familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of each as well as the challenges faced by designers in both industries.

I am not making any type of argument that print designers are more knowledgeable or have a more difficult job than web designers. This article could’ve just as easily been about lessons that print designers can learn web designers because the point here is that trends and techniques differ greatly across different design areas and there is therefore a lot to learn from looking outside of your own comfort zone and into another field.

With that said, let’s take our minds out of RGB and into CMYK and begin thinking like a print designer.

Read full article at:   7 Lessons Web Designers Can Learn from Print | Design Shack.


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