7 Website Improvements That Will Increase Sales Now

concept photo sales increase 0If your website still looks like an online brochure, then you are missing out on the most effective lead generation tool that you have. These seven website design tips will make it easy for your website visitors to become your ideal customers:

1.  Place an identifying tagline at the top. Tell your customer where they’ve landed. The biggest reason people leave or bounce from a website is because they don’t know if they are in the right place or if you have what they are looking for. Use this simple formula as a website positioning statement: [YOUR SITE NAME] is where [YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE] goes to [INSERT WHAT YOU OFFER].

2.  Answer your customers’ questions right away. When people land on your site, they have the following questions: Where am I? What’s this site about? Is this what I’m looking for? How does this compare to what I’m using now? Make sure that you have the answers to those questions easily visible on the site so that your customers know they have landed at a place that has what they are looking for.

3.  Highlight keywords and phrases. Create big headlines and subheads that use the same keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. If you offer software support for Apple computers, say it BIG and BOLD! Don’t let your audience wonder what you’re about. That might be OK for multi-million dollar Super Bowl commercials, but it doesn’t generate sales.

Continues at:  7 Website Improvements That Will Increase Sales Now : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum.

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