A Collection of Cross-Media and Converge Conference Information

Picture 21Printing Industries of America is pleased to announce the launch of the Converge Conference companion site–an online storehouse of information, conference details, and the importance of cross-media integration–located at www.printing.org/converge. Stemming from the 2010 Converge Conference, the newest addition to printing.org offers a wealth of content and insight to aid printers as they bridge the divide between classic print and new media.

Populating the site is Converge TV–home to videos of Alan Davis of BPI Media Group, Bryan Hall of Graphic Visual Solutions, and Gary Garner of GLS Companies–these three men share their thoughts on cross-media marketing, printing in the current day and age, as well as the importance of attending the Converge Conference.

Additionally, blogs helmed by industry experts will add a constant stream of updated, pertinent content. Bloggers will write about topics such as the use of PURLS, QR codes, and the importance of taking advantage of innovative technologies.

This new branch of the site has information for all levels of users—it is a great starting point for those looking to explore the benefits of cross-media for the first time and can also be leveraged by experienced, savvy printers to fine-tune and perfect their approach to cross-media integration.

See full details at:  A Collection of Cross-Media and Converge Conference Information | Printing Industries of America – Printing.org.


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