A Fantastic And Useful Self-Promo Sure To Be Shared And Saved!

How do you reach potential clients/connections, re-connect, or add value to your current list? Scott Fishman, a marketer and real estate agent from Koenig Strey in Chicago, thought WAY out of the sales pitch box and provided this list of Chicago Summer Festivals! In the email itself – simply “Have a great summer!”

click for full size


I passed it along to a few friends who live in Chicago, and while I don’t, this effort wasn’t lost on me. First of all, it’s a great promo for the CITY itself – lots of diverse events – and I love that the neighborhoods are mentioned as well. Since I will be in Chicago for Print13 in September, I immediately looked to see if anything was going on the 8-12th and ‘viola I could check out the Festival de la Villita. I also know my sister travels with her family to see her husbands family in Chicago during the year. I will pass this along to her and I would bet she will pass it along to her sister-in-law. If it gets passed along from there, well now Scott is getting local coverage again.


Mr. Fishman has done something here that is very smart, and very useful. By providing information that by its essence is perfect for sharing he will get exponential exposure… and by doing it without ANY strings attached or a sales pitch by his info, this is a perfect thing to print out and hang on your fridge or in your office. Im not a client of his, but if I were in the area and looking to move, or looking to move to Chicago, I would contact him for one simple reason – THIS IS COOL!



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