A Few Old and Creepy Ads for Halloween

A bit more insight into the world our parents and grandparents come from – maybe even some of you were around when these were and that would explain a few things.  There are more here too:  Old Creepy Ads | Weirdomatic.

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Nothing says cross at the green and not in between quite like a kid lying in a pool of red.

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The timeless creepy clown – no better image to use for hot chocolate and bedtime to ensure your kids never sleep again.

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I dont speak or read French and this ad doesnt encourage me to start. 

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All I picture is the creepy voice in her head… ” Where is the peanut butter… Mother? “

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Family dinner at the Creepeltons – Ham, peas, and some glazed organs. Dont forget to wash it down with some yummy milk.

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Eat your worms Chucky and you will grow up big and strong and have 10 movies made about you taking the form of a serial killer doll.

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Is this where the expression “throwing the baby out with the bath water” came from?  I think Timmy might have lost a kidney too.

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Call me foolish, but I would imagine the first to step to any safety claim in this ad would be to remove the razor from the baby.

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This evolution of creepy faces pales to the elfish ears and “mental institution” hair style…

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Didnt realize this household cleaner was also the household cleaners’ cleaner in the 50’s. 

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Mommy… Grandpa is bludgeoning the cat again… 

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Forget your troubles, come on get Happy… we’re gonna wash all your blues (and basically your life) away…

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 Dont worry Mrs. Johnson, little Johnny wont act up ever again.



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