A Glossary of Recycled Rhetoric

With all the various claims among paper manufacturers regarding the sustainability of their products, it’s hard to know what’s really going on. Doc wasn’t sure what the definition was for “flotation deinking” or “mill broke,” at least not until now. Thanks to a good basic glossary at What They Think, I’m now a lot better informed. Here are just a few of the definitions listed:teaser paper recycle

Deinked Market Pulp (DMP) – Pulp made from recovered paper by mills that receive high-grade deinking papers (defined below) and remove the ink and contaminants. DMP is produced in sheets as wet-lap pulp (about 50% moisture) or air-dried form and is sold to paper producers who blend it with virgin pulp for use on existing paper machines.

Deinking – The separation and removal prior to paper formation of ink and other contaminants from wastepaper slurry by screening, washing, flotation, chemical treatment and bleaching.Fiber Furnish – Recovered paper used to make paper or board with recycled content.

See full post at:  A Glossary of Recycled Rhetoric | ZDNet.

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