A Little Love to the Show Daily at Graph Expo

IMAG0066As a production person, I am used to being behind the scenes making things happen with little or no accolades for getting the job done.  So when I happen to see a bunch of hard working, dedicated professionals working their butts off to get all the attendees of Graph Expo the Show Daily magazine, daily, I have to give a shout out.


With the deadline in sight and no room for error Kelley Holmes (right), Publisher from Cygnus Graphics Media has the Show Daily room on lockdown.  I happened to have stumbled in by accident looking for Debbie Veider, GASC/NPES Director of Communications, who was furiously proofing the next edition.  The team was working like a well oiled machine with writers, editors and designers all doing their part to get the file to the printer by 6pm, proofs back in time to approve and print and have delivered back so CYGNUS could deliver to all the attendee hotels so that when you woke up it was under your door, and when you arrived at McCormick in the am it was the first thing you were greeted with.  WHEW right… but this was only what happened from 6 and after!

IMAG0065During the course of the day, as many as 30 meetings were held to gather info and intel on the stories and events going on. Photographers were dispatched and clicking away and the writers were attending sessions and meetings to report on as much as they could day to day.  There was no time to eat; food was piled up on a table and grabbed when it could be. There was no time to relax, digital editions of the Show Daily also needed to be created. There was really no time for anything but writing and editing, and proofing and designing, and printing out and correcting and re-writing, re-editing, re-proofing, re-designing and hopefully you get my point.

There have been a lot of amazing moments for me at Graph Expo that I will follow up with, but as long as there is one day left , tomorrow when you grab your magazine send a positive vibe THANK YOU to Kelley Holmes for making it happen, Debbie Veider for doing what it takes, no matter what it takes,  and to all the unsung hero’s of the Show Daily whose names I didnt get because there was minimal talking allowed while magic was in progress!


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