A New Generation of Media Experts

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I’ve recently become obsessed with YouTube. In particular, I’ve been watching people who are creating mini-media brands by reviewing products in very specific niches. Before I dig into the videos themselves, I want to share why I am so enamored with them.

An entire generation is growing with the content, marketing, sales, and technical skills to run their own media companies, and to be their own publishers. I am not just talking about the ability to setup a free blog on WordPress.com. I am talking about creating compelling content over the course of years, of learning how to market their content, how to engage with a larger community within the market they cover, and how to evolve with the technology as it changes. Their skillsets are varied, and they are not learning them in isolation, they are in the real world, getting constant feedback on what works and what doesn’t.

What effect will this have on our culture and the future of publishing & media?

See full post at:  Dan Blank: Publishing, Innovation & the Web » Blog Archive » A New Generation of Media Experts.

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