Agencies Divided on Where to House New Mobile Units

mobile advertisingNEW YORK ( — In a matter of weeks, several new mobile units have sprouted up within adland, prompting debate in ad circles about whether the offerings should take root within creative agencies or form under media shops.

Omnicom Group recently launched a mobile-marketing consultancy called Airwave under media agency giant OMD. According to Jon Haber, U.S. director of OMD’s Ignition Factory, a media shop is the intuitive place to house a mobile unit.

“Mobile is bought in many of the same ways that digital media is bought, but it stretches across coupons, CRM, texts and out of home,” he said. “It bleeds into all other media types. An agency like OMD touches other media units, so it makes sense for mobile to be in-house so it can integrate into everything from TV to digital.”

See full post at:  Agencies Divided on Where to House New Mobile Units – Advertising Age – Agency News.


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