Alessandra Lariu Fosters 'Evolved Collaborations'

The former digital executive is building a site to link women creatives with brands

7807786 large group of women silhouetteYes, women are smarter. But their real innate genius maybe finding smart and meaningful ways to reach other women. This is increasingly evident on the Web, in plain view of brands that are willing to pay for lip service.

That’s the premise, anyway, behind Alessandra Lariu’s latest endeavor—a new creative platform that gets ad women collaborating on client briefs targeting other women.

The yet-to-be-named site, slated for a June 30 launch, will operate under the umbrella of Lariu’s mentoring group, SheSays. “We want women to get into groups and be recognized for even participating,” Lariu, a former digital group creative director at at McCann Erikson, tells Adweek.

Clients will pay a fee to post a brief, with SheSays taking a cut. The rest goes into a communal pot. Users will submit ideas, and critique and vote on peers’ work. Top-rated submissions will be elligible for a cash prize. If the client wants to use any of the work, they’ll be able to hammer out a separate deal.

Continues at:  Alessandra Lariu Fosters ‘Evolved Collaborations’ | Adweek.


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