An unhappy birthday for net neutrality

internet protestors304A year ago yesterday, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission Julius Genachowski made what was regarded as a seminal speech about net neutrality, the tenet where all web traffic is treated equally.

At the time, he said that without this fundamental protection “we could see the Internet’s doors shut to entrepreneurs, the spirit of innovation stifled, a full and free flow of information compromised.”

Time, he said, was of the essence, and “If we wait too long to preserve a free and open Internet, it will be too late.” Well, those words have come back to haunt the chairman in the form of an advert that was taken out by the advocacy group Free Press.It was trying to give vent to its frustration that, in a year, the issue of net neutrality remains unresolved.

Continues at:  BBC – dot.Maggie: An unhappy birthday for net neutrality.

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