Apple CMYK display design could be boon for print production

apple cmy display macbookGraphic designers and photographers know the pain of translating RGB image information on screen into CMYK print on paper. Even with the best understanding of the alchemy of color management, RGB displays and CMYK printing processes simply cannot recreate the same hues and intensities of every color. Apple has filed for a patent on an idea to help those whose bread and butter still involves printing: make the display CMYK.

Most displays use the additive red-green-blue color model, which attempts to mimic how our eyes interpret color. By mixing various intensities of red, green, and blue light in each pixel location, displays can reproduce some 16.7 million combinations of hue and intensity. Even the best displays, however, can only reproduce a limited subset of the colors most humans can perceive

Read full article at:   Apple CMY display design could be boon for print production.


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