Archie Goes Green With World Color – 2009-11-15 22:37:16 | Graphic Arts Online.
Printing Greener: World Color for Archie Comics
MAMARONECK, NY–(November 12, 2009) – Archie Comics is leading the way once again! The company has already begun efforts to “go green” and reduce the environmental impact of publishing its books by partnering with World Color Press, Inc. for all of its printing needs. Through World Color, all Archie products are printed on recycled paper through processes certified to have a much lower environmental footprint than conventional paper. Just as importantly, the printing inks used by Archie and World Color are made with a minimum of 20% renewable resources such as pine rosin and vegetable oils instead of petroleum-based components. In addition to being more environmentally responsible, these inks are also safer and healthier — they contain no heavy metals such as lead or mercury, and they aren’t flammable or combustible. Archie Comics is happy to do its part by taking responsible steps to help ensure a greener, healthier future for the planet, and for all of us!
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