Are Maps The Key To Unlocking Higher Marketing Conversion Rates?

As I mentioned in a recent post Personalization Is About To Get Real Personal, one of the cool techs I learned about at the Xplor 13 conference was locr Maps presented by CEO Rolf Richter. At first I was a little skeptical, especially since he claimed “marketing campaigns using locr maps have proven to be much more successful in conversion rates than regular personalized mailings,” but after the presentation and seeing the case studies, I was converted to believer… and here is why…

Orlando1You pick up your mail and you’re thumbing through it when a colorful map on a postcard catches your eye. You pull it out to see what it is and upon closer examination you notice it’s looking rather familiar. When it all clicks into place, you realize the map is showing the location of your house, and a location of, or direct route to _________ insert local business here, or multiple locations of a business in your area. Now you read the postcard to see what this is all about. 

Whether you found it “creepy” or found it cool, one thing I’d bet is that you have spent more time with this postcard than the others in your stack. And those extra seconds to minutes could be what turns a postcard into customer.

Printing And Practicing What You Preach

locr is just entering the US market and like anything else it will need some traction with “beta testers” and “influencers” to increase awareness. This is where you guys come in! Rolf is offering up to 1000 FREE geo-personalized maps for 50 of you who want to try out the technology!  This is a $500 value, and can be used for only one project – so whether you use 100 or 1000 maps, you have one shot at “free.”10x10

You could utilize the maps for one of your clients, but if it were me, I’d do a really kick ass personalized self-promo with a map from my customers’/prospects’ location to mine, along with an invitation to discuss the personalization technologies used on the mailer (or a company BBQ or local event you are participating in – sky’s the limit!).

I asked Rolf to create two maps for me to include in this post – the map above shows a random house location with a route to Disney in Orlando, the map to the right shows the closest Starbucks locations within an Orlando zip code. Click on maps to see larger image.

Practicing What I Preach

I just want to be clear that I am NOT on the locr payroll in any sense. When I see something cool and I think it can help printers and marketers I want to share that info with you, and when I’m able, I try to get you an incentive! In this case it’s up to 1000 maps to test out, and my hope is that by utilizing them it will generate conversations and conversions for you!

How Do You Get Your Maps?

Check out or download this PDF and if you want to take a test drive email me and I will hook you up with further information. Only 50 people will receive up to 1000 FREE maps, so act quickly if you are interested.


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