Beat the Summertime Blues One Week at a Time

I’ve been there and I’ve done it. Summer comes. You take your foot off the gas pedal a bit. You tell yourself that people are on vacation. Things are “slow”.

And you’re not wrong. People ARE on vacation. Things DO slow down.

But this is 2021.

This is a different year, and you are a different person. Whether you are responsible for bringing new business into your company, nurturing existing customers, or bringing old accounts back from the dead, maybe you need a few tactics for how to survive and thrive this  summer.

A week by week plan to beat the summertimes sales blues

So here, week by week, are some ideas for how to make the most of the next 70 days.

Let’s GO!

Week 1. Set a goal for the summer, with a reward for achieving it. Whether you are going to FINALLY up your LinkedIn game, take a class, or get an appointment with that big fish you have been chasing for years, now is the time to articulate it, plan it, and DO IT! And, when you do it, treat yourself.

Week 2. Try something new. If you run, take a hike. If you’re a cyclist, try yoga. If you love movies, look at a local book shop. If you have been anti-social media, give Twitter a try.

Week 3. Plan a production appreciation event. An ice cream truck, a parking lot BBQ, or a candy bar are great ways to show your colleagues how much you appreciate them.

Week 4. Take a mental health YES Day.  Take a day off. In the middle of the week. And go golfing. Or sit by a lake. Or the mall. Or the movies. Whatever makes your heart happy. Give yourself permission to be completely free of responsibility and recharge those batteries.

Week 5. Collect some competitive intel. Creep on the internet. Audit the socials. See what you can learn about your competitors, for no other reason than you could learn something, get some inspiration, or find something you can use as you approach that new prospect you’ve been meaning to engage.

Week 6. Take it outside. Whether it’s a client meeting, a sales meeting, or lunch with pals, try to do one al fresco this week. Make sure you bring plenty of cold drinks in case it gets HOT!

Week 7. Foster curiosity by visiting a local museum, art gallery, or someplace else you have always been dying to go. Do you know how many people who live in Chicago have never been to the top of the Sears Tower or Navy Pier?  Try being a tourist in your own town and discover something new!

Week 8. Discover your inner child. Go to a pottery painting place, make yourself a new stuffed friend at Build a Bear, or visit a zoo. Looking at the world through the eyes of a child can offer you the perspective you need to give yourself some new energy.

Week 9. Go “back to school” shopping. Why should the kids get all the fun?  Go buy yourself some new pens, notebooks, or some new décor for your workspace.  You deserve some fresh NEW in your life to help kick off the fall. Maybe even get some new “school” clothes!

Week 10. See the future – it is December 31st, 2021, and you have just said these words, “I TOTALLY crushed 2021.” What needs to happen between now and then for you to say that?  Write down three actionable items and commit to them to finish strong.

It’s summer. It’s time to try some different approaches to help you feel like you are still being productive while having some fun in the process. I can’t wait to hear what you try and how it works, so keep me posted!

See more posts from Kelly

Kelly Mallozzi.2018_print media centrAs a sales and marketing coach and consultant at Success In Print, and Girl #2 at #GirlsWhoPrint, Kelly Mallozzi advocates for graphic arts companies to keep fighting to keep print relevant. She may be irreverent, but what she lacks in convention, she makes up for in smart-assery.

Kelly is a regular co-host on the #GirlsWhoPrint Podcast along with Deborah Corn. She is also a mentor to several future sales stars and she connects to them through the Women’s Print Mentoring Network. Check out her book, co-authored by Bill Farquharson: Who’s Making Money at Digital/Inkjet Printing…and How. Kelly also occasionally guest blogs at Printing Impressions and you can see her most recent posts here.

Connect With Kelly: Twitter @SuccessInPrint and on LinkedIn where she regularly posts and is even often interesting.




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