Big Tax Breaks for Small Business: The new health-care laws offer incentives for employers who provide benefits for employees.

lee lg1As an entrepreneur and small-business owner, didn’t you get a little ticked off last year watching the big financial institutions get their bailouts? Didn’t you want to say “Hey, what about me? What about small business?” I know I did.

Well, we finally get a hand. Congress recently passed two new tax laws that should provide an economic boon for small business. The first is a tax break included in the health-care reform legislation. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a health-care credit for small business. Yep, big business is excluded from this one, which represents a major score for entrepreneurs everywhere! It’s about time we were afforded tax breaks to help us during these trying times.

And this one is an example of behavior modification at its best. The credit is designed to encourage smaller employers to provide health care for their employees. Here’s how it works:

See full article at:  Big Tax Breaks for Small Business – Small Business Tax Breaks –


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