Boost Your Confidence and Print Sales Through Internal Events

a confident strongman rising from hands

Holding internal print sales events is a great way to boost sales confidence and gain new print business and customers. Whether you’re an owner, manager, sales rep, or in the marketing department, here’s an idea you can bring to your team. Hold a weeklong sales contest focused on courting small business customers in the area. It’s a great way for print sales reps to leave their comfort zone, meet local business owners, and gain sales confidence.

Here’s how to hold an internal sales event that’s fun for everyone.

The first step is to find a week on the sales calendar and get it on everyone’s schedule.

Promote the prizes that will be awarded for sales activity and results.

Set goals. Three to five new local accounts per rep is an easy target.

Have a central place where everyone can see the event standings. When I  help printers hold these events, I like to put everything up on a whiteboard and bring the reps in for the week. (You can also use a project management app.)

Write the sales reps’ names across the top of the whiteboard. Down the left side, list the business categories each rep must “touch” with some form of prospecting activity.

What are the rules for an internal sales event?

• Each salesperson must prospect in EVERY category.

• A daily checkmark in one of the categories wins a small prize.

• A checkmark in every category wins a big prize.

• A paid project in the hopper wins an even bigger prize.

• The rep with the most *new* sales booked for the period – in one or all of the listed categories – wins the grand prize.

• Reps self-report their activity.

Prizes don’t have to be expensive, but they should be things salespeople covet. And if you’re envisioning a pizza party instead of prizes, NO.

Should the sales manager participate?

Yes! Get your sales manager involved. Nothing ignites the competitive spirit like going mano-a-mano with your manager. Honestly, if you can’t beat your sales manager – even with all their advantages – why are you even in sales?

Which small business categories should you put on the list?

Try these:

Businesses that cater to pet owners: There’s soooo much marketing money available in pet-related companies.

Private Schools: Print is the channel preferred by their demographic.

Pediatric Dentists and Orthodontists: Show how print is ideal for busy families with young children.

Independent Hair Salons: Salon owners need to compete with well-funded franchises. Show them how print can do this.

HVAC Contractors: Get to know front office people who can help you get an appointment with the owner.

Plumbers: Leave a voicemail. Plumbers never check email.

Tree Trimmers and Landscapers: These are precise people who see the value in print.

Home Healthcare and Child Day Care: Suggest recurring jobs and get paid upfront – these businesses change ownership frequently.

Dry Cleaners, Coin-Operated Laundries, Corner Stores, Gas Stations, Liquor Stores, and Limited-Service Restaurants: Owners of these businesses can be hard nuts to crack but are fiercely loyal to their printers.

Non-chain Fitness Studios and Health Providers: Email them at night. Be friendly and optimistic.

Automotive Repair: Mechanics are surprisingly creative.

Insurance Agencies: Established reps know that print builds trust and name recognition.

Residential Contractors: Contractors live and die by referrals. Printed surveys and postage-paid return postcards are perfect for capturing customer comments.

Veterinarians: This category uses transit advertising, direct mail, in-clinic and window signage, sponsorships, apparel, and educational materials.

How do you finish strong with an internal sales event?

After one week, tally your successes.

Reps should have made contact with every category on the list. Celebrate all the new jobs flowing in. Award prizes, take pictures, and share the results in your company newsletter.

An internal sales event is a quick and easy way to boost sales confidence and increase print sales while having a good time.

Let me know how your event goes – and who wins the grand prize. If you want advice for setting up an internal sales event, get in touch!


Check out last month’s post: Cheery Social Media Content to Surprise and Delight Your Print Customers 

View all posts from Sandy 

Sandy Hubbard 2021Sandy Hubbard is a Marketing Strategist and Advisor specializing in Print, Media, and B2B Tech. She helps print companies improve so they stand above the crowd. Sandy is host of #PrintChat, a weekly global gathering of the industry’s most influential thinkers and leaders. A proud member of Girls Who Print, Sandy is the 2022 recipient of the coveted Girlie Award. Connect with Sandy on LinkedIn.



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