BPIF targets SME printers with environmental certification scheme

London-based printers can take advantage of a new BPIF scheme that offers a fully-funded route to environmental certification.

EcoPrint London is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, which is managed by the London Development Agency, and is led by a Steering Group of London printers and stakeholders.

The scheme has been set up to help printers with fewer than 250 employees and a turnover below £50m gain access to credible green credentials.

John Pulford, chairman of EcoPrint London Steering Group, said the industry has had a poor reputation in the environmental field, despite the numerous steps it has taken to demonstrate the opposite.

See full article at:   http://www.printweek.com/RSS/News/1000458/BPIF-targets-SME-printers-environmental-certification-scheme/


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